Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hello to 2015! And GGj '15

Hello everyone! It has definitely been a long time since I've posted here on this blog. I've really got to change that, so I've made a New Year Resolution to blog at the very least once a week!

Aside from posting more often, I've decided to also double down on my production and efficiency to improve my development speeds and mastery of the game development process. So I'll be posting more about that in the near future as well.

I've got some awesome content already in the works, ranging from a couple of smaller projects to an essay on a topic I haven't seen discussed in the gaming culture much as of late. So look forward to that!

In other news, Global Game Jam 2015! Woo! Look I even appeared in this video at 3 minutes in! I'm on the right side in the back with the black shirt with white letters, that spell out Nautica.

Anyway, The GGj 15 is going to commence this Friday, so if you haven't signed up for it and if you have a jam site and you have free time, go do it!

This year, I made the hard choice of not returning to Petal Et Al's second year location, It was an honor being there for it's first jam, but I saw that the studio here in Chicago Phosphor Games had a location too. And since I don't have a job, nor do I go to school, and since I've been developing my skills on my own, I figured it would be the best place to go to talk to other skilled developers and make some new friends! Not to mention I assume everyone there will already have experience instead of being new (no offense) which will allow me to improve myself, see what I need to learn based on what skills my team has, and work faster and more efficiently. And hopefully some doors will open up as a result. I don't want to be stuck where I am anymore in isolation and constant rejection. I hope there I can show off my potential and hopefully gain opportunities as a result. It would help me improve myself by leaps and bounds if I do succeed.

 I am super excited to go and meet new people and make a game with other talented developers and see how far I still need to go in order to become a professional beyond how things are now.

So for now, I'll sharpen my skills and then write up a postmortem of the jam next week! See you then!

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