Monday, December 12, 2016

Pressing on

Hello Everyone! I am back after a very long hiatus. So much has been going on in my life, but I'm glad to say that I've gone back to school to finish my degree! And even better yet, I am doing better than most of my peers. It's been a big psychological and financial game to go back, but it's worth it. I'm studying Game Programming, and the degree is structured like a specialized computer science degree, which it essentially is.

Besides that, I recently noticed that my previous file sharing site Dropbox has stopped serving html files to browsers, instead prompting users to download the page. This is a problem because my games cannot be accessed that way. The solution was to use to publish my games as HTML5 games so that they are still playable in the browser, because most people won't want to take the time to download a zip and set the game up. It's much faster and more convenient.

The first game has been ported over, Cupcake Escape. I plan to make a few more posts diving deeper into the design of the game itself and how things were implemented, along with how things could have been optimized, and why things were implemented the way they were back then (spoiler alert: lack of good code fu skills). Hopefully this will help you employers understand my knowledge and my skill, and help you readers learn how to optimize your programs better.

Well that's the first post of many. My goal is to try to make daily contributions from now on. School and work permitted. See you tomorrow!

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